Sunday, September 8, 2019

-Excerpt 2-

It was a cold winter's morning, and the newly weds C and D couldn't be happier, for you see this fine couple was expecting... not 1 but 2 new lives to enter this world, however not everything was sunshine and rainbows, especially not at this time of year...

The two were having something of a quarrel, they could not agree on what to name the children, with each wishing to call upon some aspect of their own heritage, you'd think having two children would be able to quell such a feud but in reality it was the very cause of the feud in the first place.

With no other recourse they sought the aid of their one true god: Al F'bet.

The fools. They had no idea of the calamity that they were about to set into motion.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

-Excerpt 1-

A and B walked into A Bar, it was a rather unfortunate experience and as they are still recovering this story will instead have to be focused on C and D.

C and D are a happily married couple with two children, named 3 and 4.

But... why was 4 named 4? This was a conundrum that had plagued 3, 4's twin, all of 3's life.

Being older than 4 by a few years 3 felt responsible for finding out the truth of the matter, but anytime 3 had interrogated 4 on said matter 4 would just shrug and say "I think I'm named after a god".

But despite such a response that 4 and 3 alike both believed to be in jest neither knew how true 4's statement on the matter really was...